of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of ten directors, two of whom meet the requirements of independence.
The chairman of the Board of Directors has no executive powers and is responsible for the effective organization and conduct of board business, as well as for the optimal interaction and balance of powers among the various corporate bodies, as well as within the Board among individual directors. Directors are appointed for a period of three fiscal years and their terms of office expire on the date of the shareholders’ meeting called to approve the financial statements for the last fiscal year of their term of office. The current Board of Directors was appointed by the Shareholders at the Ordinary General Meeting of April 3, 2023 for the fiscal years 2023 – 2025 and will lapse from office with the approval of the financial statements for 2025. The Board of Directors has its own rules of functioning that govern its mission, composition criteria, and operations.

Stéphane Priami
Stéphane Priami is Board of Directors Chairman of CA Auto Bank, Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A. in charge of the Specialised Financial Services (SFS) business line, which encompasses the consumer finance, lease finance and factoring activities. He is a member of the Executive Committee of Crédit Agricole S.A.
He began his career in 1982 in the Banques Populaires network. He joined the commercial network of the Crédit Agricole Ile-de-France regional banks in 1987. Between 1990 and 1996, he was head of products for the professional clients segment before being appointed inspector and team leader in the General Inspection department of Caisse Nationale du Crédit Agricole. In 1996, he was named head of distribution channels for the individual and professional markets division during the launch of the Group’s web solutions.
Between 2000 and 2004, Stéphane Priami held a number of management positions in succession, overseeing marketing, communication, remote banking, finance and distribution at Caisse Régionale de Gironde, and then Caisse Régionale d’Aquitaine after its merger. In 2005, he was named Deputy CEO of the Caisse Régionale des Savoie, with responsibility for development.
In 2009, he took up the post of Deputy CEO of LCL responsible initially for compliance and subsequently for processes, technologies and real estate. He joined Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility (formerly known as Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance) in 2013 as second executive director and CEO of Sofinco.
In 2018, Stéphane Priami was appointed Group Head of Compliance, and member of the Executive Committee of Crédit Agricole SA.
Stéphane Priami, 56, holds a graduate diploma in banking. He is an officer of the Order of Agricultural Merit (chevalier du Mérite Agricole). In 2021, he was promoted to the rank of knight of the Legion of Honour (chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur). This decoration rewards his commitment to the service of the territory and the French people in order to enable everyone to consume better.
Stéphane Priami is the author of two books published by Revue Banque and Economica.

Giacomo Carelli
CEO General Manager
Giacomo Carelli is the CEO of CA Auto Bank since its launch on 4th April 2023, thus retaining the role he had held at FCA Bank since July 2014.
He is also Chairman of Drivalia since October 2018.
He is also serving as Head of International Partnerships at Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility since April 2022.
Giacomo Carelli has worked in a multicultural environment in many countries since the start of his career. He joined IBM in Spain in 1994 and FCA in 1996, working in marketing and as a project & product manager in Spain, UK, Poland and Germany. Between 2000 and 2005, he was Sales and Marketing Director at FCA Bank in Greece, and then Country Manager for six years. In 2012, he returned to Italy as Group Head of Sales and Marketing. Within FCA Bank, he also held the position of Country Manager in Switzerland before becoming the Group CEO in July 2014.
Giacomo Carelli holds a master’s degree in Economics and Business from La Sapienza University in Rome (Rome I), a postgraduate diploma in marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing at the University of West London and an Msc in Accounting and Finance from the Athens University of Economics. He also holds the title of CPA in Italy.

Richard Bouligny
Richard Bouligny is Member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank, Group Deputy CEO of Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility in charge of the Group Automotive and Mobility department, and Leasys Chairman.
A graduate of Paris School of Business (Master in Finance), he enters the RCI Bank and Services group in 1990. In 2006, he is appointed Deputy Managing Director of DIAC Location (rental and car fleet management company). In 2009, he becomes Managing Director of RCI Bank and Services in Italy, and then becomes, in 2013, Managing Director of DIAC (RCI France). In 2015, he’s appointed Chief Executive Officer of RRG (Renault Retail Group), Renault’s automobile distribution subsidiary in Europe. In 2018, he takes over the position of Commercial Director of the Renault group.
Richard Bouligny joined Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility (formerly known as Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance) in April 2020. Since then, he has served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance in charge of the Group Automotive and Mobility department. He was also appointed Chairman of Leasys S.A.S., the joint venture with Stellantis, in April 2023.

Paola de Vincentiis
Independent Director
Paola De Vincentiis is Independent Member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank. She started her career in 1996 as Consultant at the International Relations Department of the Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale (SAA), University of Torino. From 1999 to 2004 she was Assistant professor of Banking and Finance, University of Torino and from 2006 to 2012 she became Member of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator of the Economics Module of the Master in Public Procurement in cooperation with the International Training Center of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO). In 2005 she became Associate professor of Banking and Finance, University of Torino and between 2010 and 2012 she served as Director of the Master in Banking and Risk Management (in cooperation with Banca Sella and Biverbanca). In 2015 she became Full Professor of Banking and Finance, University of Torino. Since 2017 she is Vice-Dean of the Department of Management, University of Torino, Head of Teaching, Department of Management, University of Torino and Chairwoman of Msc Corporate Finance and Financial Markets, University of Torino. Paola De Vincentiis has a degree in Economics from the University of Torino.

Anne Marie Guirchoux
Anne-Marie Guirchoux is Member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank and International Automotive Partnerships Manager in Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility.
She started her career in the field of retail financing and joined Crédit Agricole de Toulouse in 1997 (retail banking activity) where she held managerial, commercial and support positions. She became Internal Audit Manager in 2007 at Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility (formerly known as Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance) and Strategic Projects Manager in 2012. Since September 2015, she is in charge of International Auto Partnership at Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility.
Her specialized background in automotive financing is complemented by proven knowledge and solid experience in support domains (HR, credit, controls, governance, etc.).
She has a Master’s Degree in Economics (Nantes University), with a specialization in macro/microeconomics and statistics.

Jerome Hombourger
Jérôme Hombourger is Member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank and CEO of Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole Mutuel Val de France.
After having joined the Euler Hermes credit insurance group in 1991 as Responsible for Credit Management of a portfolio of companies, Jérôme Hombourger founded Elysées Factor, a joint venture created with Crédit Commercial de France (HSBC France) in 1996.
From 2000 to 2006, he occupied various management positions within the Eurofactor group and participated in the merger between Eurofactor and Transfact (factoring subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole Group).
In 2006, he joined the Directorate of Strategy and Development of Crédit Agricole S.A., as Head of Professionals Strategy, and later the Regional Banks Division as Head of Events and Distribution in 2008.
At the end of 2010, he joined Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance as Head of Group Internal Audit. In October 2014, he was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance in charge of Group Development and Strategy. In January 2021, he was additionally tasked with the mission of coordinating synergies within the Specialised Financial Services division of Crédit Agricole S.A., which comprises Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility (formerly known as Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance) and Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring.
Jérôme Hombourger, a former INSEAD student, has a master’s degree in Management Sciences from the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Certificate of Company Director from IFA/Sciences Po.

Anne Laimé
Director – appointed on 03/04/2024
Anne Laimé is Head of the Smart Conso Crédit Agricole & LCL Business Unit at Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility, member of the Executive Committee and member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank.
Laimé began her career at Disneyland Paris in 1990, where she contributed to the creation of the company in Marne La Vallée, the launch of Food & Beverage operations, Human Resource functions and the development of tourism partnerships.
In 1999, she joined Crédit Agricole de Gironde as Head of the Marketing Department, before taking on the role of Head of Operational Marketing and Communication at Caisse régionale d’Aquitaine, when it was established in 2001. In 2006, she became Head of Organization of the Caisse régionale teams, before moving on to head the IT migration to the Information System shared by all the regional Caisses.
In 2014 she joined the Fédération Nationale du Crédit Agricole for strategic Group projects, and in 2015 moved to CA Consumer Finance France as Head of Banking Partner Development.
In 2021, she created the Smart Conso Crédit Agricole & LCL Business Unit within Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility (formerly known as Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance), in charge of leading, managing and animating the development of the Consumer Credit activities of the Crédit Agricole Group’s banking entities in France.
Anne Laimé graduated from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce of Compiègne

Sophie Lazarevitch
Independent Director
Sophie Lazarevitch is Independent Member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank.
She began her career in 1982 as a consultant mainly for the financial sector, a sector which she joined in 1998 as Compliance Officer, CFO, at Euroland Finance. Then, from 2000, she held senior executive positions. From 2000 to 2005, she was CEO, member of the Management Board, in charge of Finance, Compliance, HR, Banking and IT Operations of Vega Finance then of Compagnie 1818. From 2009 to 2011, she became Deputy CEO in charge of Finance, Risks, Operational Efficiency, Legal for the business line in France and Luxembourg of Banque Privée 1818. From 2011 to 2013, she was Head of the Subsidiaries and Investments Department at Natixis, then, until 2017, becomes President of Natixis HCP and Head of the Corporate Data Solutions Division of Natixis, specialized in commercial information, debt collection and factoring. In 2017-2018, she joined the Management Board of Fidor Bank, Groupe BPCE’s digital bank, based in Munich, Germany. Finally, she became Advisor to Natixis CFO until the summer of 2019 when she left the group to devote herself to her activities as an independent director.
Sophie Lazarevitch is a graduate of HEC Business School (France).

Yannick Mouillet
Director – appointed on 29/10/2024
Yannick Mouillet is Member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank and Deputy CEO of Crédit Agricole Personal Finance & Mobility, in charge of Finance, Risk and Legal.
Yannick Mouillet began his career in 1992 in retail banking on the corporate market (at CIC and then at Banque Populaire).
In 2002, he joined the Crédit Agricole Group as Head of Large Corporate Sales in the CACIB trading room.
In 2006, he joined the General Inspection of CACIB then in 2010 the Group General Inspection within Crédit Agricole S.A. In 2013, he became Director of Financial Risks in the Group Risk Department.
In 2018, he was appointed Director of Operations, Payment Methods and Artificial Intelligence at LCL.
Yannick Mouillet continued his career as DGA, second effective manager, at Caisse Regionale Val de France from 2021 to 2024.
Yannick Mouillet is a graduate of E.S.I.A.E and Holborn Business School (London) in management.

Vittorio Ratto
Vittorio Ratto is Member of the Board of Directors of CA Auto Bank, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Italia, in charge of Retail Banking, Private & Digital and Member of the Management Committee of Crédit Agricole S.A. He began his career in 1995 at New Holland International in the UK. Returning to Italy, he joined the Fiat group and then Andersen Consulting. After earning an MBA in France in 2000, he joined Bain & Company as a partner in the Financial Institutions sector. He moved on to the CA Cariparma group in 2012 as Head of Strategic Marketing and New Channels. He was responsible for drafting and implementing the strategic plan and key projects, development and the multi-channel strategy. In 2015, he was appointed Director of Human Resources, Organisation and Strategy at Cariparma.
Vittorio Ratto holds an MBA from INSEAD and an Economics diploma from Università di Torino.